
Spiral Gem

Resell Price: 0 AC

Category: Physical Alterations

Rarity: Anomaly

Compatibility: Aphex MYO Token/Level 0 Aphex
Locked to: Account. 1 Per User
Transforms an Aphex into an Ascended

Once applied the following additions are added. 
+ Ascended Anatomy
The above traits are all categorized under Ascended Anatomy (Special) and are not separate traits.
Can not be removed.

A small shining gem-like object. It shines in the light with an oddly warm glow. Its large, around the size of a basket ball...Maybe we should keep this close. 

To use this item, submit a myo of the gem as per guidelines with this item attached. 
When using specie or body modifiers (Specie items or body shape traits/items) any traits that can not be used should be changed into another trait of that tier. If you dont use it, the trait is lost.

Small Spiral Gem

Resell Price: 150 AC

Category: Physical Alterations

Rarity: Legend


Compatibility: Shingaling
Transforms a Shignaling into a Houndling
+Houndling Anatomy|Special

A small spiral gem...this seems familiar. 

To use this item, edit/redraw the image of your character and submit it as a redesign with this item attached.
When using specie or body modifiers (Specie items or body shape traits/items) any traits that can not be used should be changed into another trait of that tier. If you dont use it, it can be claimed but you must mention so.

Purchaseable At:

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